Thayne-san, today we’ll be visiting Sasanoyuki, a tofu shop founded in 1691. |
Oh, I’ve been to Sasanoyuki! I ate there with a friend once.
It was the best tofu I’d ever had!
I’m really looking forward to talking with the owner. |
Well, shall we go in? |
(奥村) |
Good afternoon, Thayne-san and Concierge-san.
I’m Okumura. Thanks so much for coming. |
Hello Okumura-san. You have a lovely shop here, just oozing with Japanese atmosphere. |
(奥村) |
Thank you.
The first-generation owner was in Kyoto during the Genroku years, but he came to Edo as an attendant to the imperial family. The imperial family lived on a hill in Ueno, so the first-generation owner settled at the base of the hill here in Negishi. This area has a great network of water, so it was the perfect place for making tofu. |
I see. |
(奥村) |
Just in the Ueno area alone there were over 800 temples, so by making good tofu we were able to sell all the priests. It was great for business.
The Otonashi River flows through Negishi, and it was very idyllic with the Japanese warblers singing in the springtime. It was loved by writers and artists, and there were a lot of vacation homes for rich merchants. While we were making tofu in the morning, men coming back from the Yoshiwara red light district would poke their heads in and say,“We’re hungry, give us some tofu!” Before we knew it, our tofu shop had become a little teashop of sorts. |
So, your shop not only made tofu, but became a restaurant where you could sit down to enjoy it as well? |
(奥村) |
That’s right.
The name Sasanoyuki was given to us by the imperial family, who said, “Your tofu is beautiful, like freshly fallen snow on bamboo.” It isn’t the name of the shop, it’s the name of the tofu. So then as now, we’re very much a shop that makes tofu rather than a restaurant. If we couldn’t make tofu, we’d have to close.
I guess that dedication has become the force behind your continued prosperity for nearly 320 years. |
(奥村) |
It has. Delicious tofu is our lifeblood. So although we create and serve a variety of tofu dishes, chilled tofu and boiled tofu are our specialties.
Well, Thayne-san, shall we eat? It’s about lunch time. |
That’s what I’ve been looking forward to! |
ああ、おいしかった! ご馳走さまでした。
Ah, that was delicious! Is this smooth tofu kinu-goshi (silk tofu)? |
(奥村) |
Yes, that’s right. In fact, kinu-goshi tofu was invented by our first-generation owner. At the time there wasn’t any kinu-goshi in Edo, so the imperial family asked us to move here. |
Wow, to think that kinu-goshi tofu originated right here in this shop! I had no idea.
You can really taste the soybeans in your tofu―it’s so delicious. What other things are important for making good tofu?
(奥村) |
Having really good water is key.
You said that this area had a lot of good water. |
(奥村) |
Yes. There’s a large flow of good spring water underground that stays between 15°C and 16°C year-round. This is the water we use to soak the soybeans between one half and one full day, and it’s also the water that the tofu is kept in after it’s made. If tofu is kept in cold running water at the right temperature, the taste will be preserved.
Once when we couldn’t get water from the well, we had no choice but to use piped water, but it’s kept at a warmer temperature and we had to buy several tons of ice to chill it. Underground water is the lifeline of a tofu shop.
If you use water from the well constantly, won’t it dry up? |
(奥村) |
Well, the original shop was a few meters north of here, and when it collapsed in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 we moved to our present location, but there were already six wells on this property. |
I’m reminded of how intimately connected with the local area tofu is. |
By the way, I see you have pictures in each of the tatami rooms. Were these collected by the shop masters over the years? |
(奥村) |
Most of the collections by my ancestors were destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake or in the war, so everything you see here we have gotten after the war. Some of them we bought, but others were given to us by professors of the Tokyo University of the Arts. They drew them quickly and left them as payment for their drinks. |
Those were the days! But it’s really too bad the original collections were lost in the war. |
(奥村) |
Yes, the only items that the family was able to take with them when escaping were the Sasanoyuki sign and our family Buddhist altar. For a while after the end of the war, we sold yakitori and popsicles to get by. |
You’ve faced a lot of challenges. |
(奥村) |
Yes, quite a lot.
Oh, I almost forgot. The Sasanoyuki sign painted by the imperial family is hanging in the entrance. Over the 300years that have passed, the ink has faded and it’s hard to read, but if you’d like, have a look on your way out.
We will.
Thank you so much for your time today. |