Thayne-san, today we'll be going to a soba noodle shop in Ueno, quite near your English school. The shop is called Rengyokuan, and it was founded in 1859. Do you know about it? |
I do. I sometimes pass by it on my bicycle, and I’ve thought about going in, but I thought it looked quite formal. I think it would be difficult for most non-Japanese to go there alone. |
Like maybe they would get angry at you for eating soba the wrong way? |
Exactly. I wouldn't want to ruin the atmosphere! |
Well, let's go in. |
(澤島) |
Hi Thayne-san and Concierge-san, I'm Sawashima of Rengyokuan. |
Hello Sawashima-san, thanks for having us today. I have to say, the outside of your shop just oozes traditional Japanese style, but the interior is quite modern. I like the vaulted ceiling. And the ukiyoe woodblock prints and antique soba bowls make it feel like an art gallery.
*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukiyoe |
(澤島) |
Thank you. This building was built in 1954, but in 1989 we reopened the shop after a major renovation. |
I hear the shop was founded in the Edo Period. |
(澤島) |
ええ、正確な創業年はわかっていないのですが、有名な『江戸名所図会』の作者・斎藤月岑(さいとうげっしん)が書いていた日記の1859年11月28日の欄に「蓮玉庵 そばたべる」と書かれているんです。それで、その日を創業日としています。
That's right. We're not sure precisely what year, but Saito Gesshin, the author of the famous Edo Meisho Zue, wrote in his diary entry of November 28, 1859, that he was “eating soba at Rengyokuan.” So that's the date we use for the shop's founding.
Actually, the head of Saito Gesshin’s family was a lord of the Kanda area well-respected by the Shogun, and the head clerk of that family loved soba. In fact, soba became more than a hobby for him and he opened a shop by Shinobazu Pond. That was the beginning of Rengyokuan. However, someone of that high social status could not really be permitted to sell soba as a businessman, and so my family’s ancestor Sawashima Sasuke, who was an acquaintance of his, ended up taking over the shop.
*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinobazu_Pond |
And after that, it was passed down generation to generation in the Sawashima family. What generation master are you? |
(澤島) |
The sixth. |
Being born into a family that runs a soba shop, were you required to study how to make soba when you reached a certain age? |
(澤島) |
Actually, not at all. There was a worker to make the soba, and someone else cooked it. Everyone was a professional. So the master didn't interfere unnecessarily. Only the soba tsuyu (dipping sauce) was made by the master. So every morning the master would come to the shop to make the sauce, but after that he could leave everything to the other workers and visit his favorite hangouts. |
え?! じゃあ、澤島さんのお父さんも遊んでばかりいたんですか。
Oh, really?! Does that mean your father took it easy? |
(澤島) |
That's right. When he was young, he went skiing, hiked in the mountains, and enjoyed ukiyoe prints. Eventually he started composing haiku, and his circle of friends expanded. After joining the Toto Norenkai, he met all kinds of people in the arts, including novelists and actors in kabuki, rakugo, and Western and new school theatre. He lived life to the fullest, drank his fill, and then he passed on. By the way, the characters on our shop’s sign were done by the haiku poet Kubota Mantaro. *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabuki
*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakugo |
So then when did you learn the art of making soba tsuyu? |
(澤島) |
All I really had to do was observe my father quietly from behind. In his later years when he fell ill, I took over in the kitchen the very next day. |
Is that right. |
Once you had made the soba sauce each day, did you go out on the town like your father had?
Thayne-san, Sawashima-san is well-known as a man with exquisite tastes, even amongst the Toto Norenkai members. I think you would say many of his interests go beyond being mere hobbies. Take jazz for example: I hear his collection includes 270 Duke Ellington records. |
Wow! |
(澤島) |
Yes, I loved the man as well as his music. Whenever Duke Ellington toured Japan I always went to his concerts. I also did things like writing books about him. |
I also loved rakugo, and when I entered Chuo University they didn’t have a rakugo club at the time, so I started one myself. It’s still around, and I hear some professional rakugo performers got their start there. |
Taking your hobbies seriously may not actually run through your blood, but I can see it's been a tradition at your shop since the first generation. |
Well, Thayne-san, are you about ready for some soba?
Our side-dishes are “ita-wasa” (fishcakes with wasabi) and tsukimi-imo (“moon-viewing potatoes”). What style of soba would you like? |
僕はお昼限定の「古式せいろそば 別打ち入り三枚重ね」を。
I'll have the “old-fashioned seiro soba” lunch special.
*http://foodfile.typepad.com/blog/seiro-soba/ |
では私は、同じくお昼限定の「かき揚げそば 小エビと玉ねぎ」をいただきます。
And I'll have the lunch special―kakiage (mixed vegetable and seafood tempura) soba with shrimp and onions.
*http://shizuokagourmet.com/tempura-kakiage-recipe/ |
かき揚げもサクサク! 本当においしかった!
Both the regular seiro soba and the soba with shiso leaves are delicious.
And the kakiage is quite crispy. It's really good!
*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiso |
(澤島) |
Thank you. Actually, these days my daughter makes the soba. |
えっ! それはすばらしい! お嬢さんが蕎麦を打って、お父さんが蕎麦つゆを作って、奥様が接客をされて……最高・最強のコンビですね。
Really? That's great! Your daughter makes the soba, you make the soba tsuyu, and your wife serves the customers. That's got to be a great team! |
(澤島) |
Well, I don't know about that... |
There's one last thing I'd like to ask: as a soba shop, what do you consider to be important above all else? |
(澤島) |
I don't think this is limited to soba shops, but I think it's really important to strive to be as honest and sincere in your work as you possibly can. And I think that's definitely the responsibility of the master.
For example, you shouldn't compromise on ingredients. Suppliers should be saying to themselves, “We'd better not bring them anything of inferior quality or we'll never hear the end of it.” |
では、また、お蕎麦を食べにきます! 今日はありがとうございました。
That's a great philosophy.
Thanks so much for your time today. We'll be back sometime for more soba! |