Today we’re visiting Toraya, a long-established Japanese confectionery (wagashi) shop started in Kyoto in the 1520s. The comments from Matsudaira-san, from the public relations department, give us insight into what makes puts Toraya at the very top of the prestigious wagashi industry in Japan. |
(松平) |
Hello, Mr. Thayne-san, welcome. |
Nice to meet you. I'm Dave Thayne.
I’d like to get started by asking whether there was a reason for naming the store shop Toraya? Does it have anything to do with the animal tiger (tora). |
(松平) |
Yes, Toraya comes from the word for tiger. For ancient Japanese, the tiger was an animal that you’d read about in books but never see; and it was also believed that tigers were strong and had powers―a holy creature from China. It is believed that the reason for using the name of a godly creature was to reflect the power of the tiger. Sadly, no official documents that state the actual reasons for this remain. |
So you’ve been in business for nearly 500 years now?
By the way, this treat that you served us with tea is beautiful. |
Seasonal Japanese-style unbaked Kan-ko-bai (Note: Interview held in early February) |
(松平) |
Thank you very much. This wagashi is called Kan-ko-bai. Please try it.
Thayne-san, what was your first impression when you first tried Japanese-style desserts? |
They weren’t as sweet as I had imagined they would be. American desserts are really sweet.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't quite sure if I would like it or not. It's not just myself―there probably aren’t many foreigners who would think that it tastes good the first time they try it. I think it may seem odd to them to make beans taste sweet. But the more you eat wagashi the more you’ll come to enjoy it. |
(松平) |
Actually, we’ve heard that before too. |
Another thing is that wagashi seems to be a dessert for adults. In America, kids and adults eat the same kinds of sweets, but in Japan, there are sweets that seem to be specifically for older people. |
(松平) |
Sweets for adults...that maybe be so.
Wagashi is said to be an art that pleases the five senses. You’re able to fully enjoy it―the subtle aroma of the ingredients, the shapes and colors, the texture, when you cut into it, the taste, and finally the sound of the carefully chosen name. |
Just by hearing the name Kan-ko-bai you can imagine the plum trees in full bloom. |
(松平) |
You’re able to enjoy the entire experience with a heightened sense of feeling to build on your imagination of the dessert and what it portrays. Wagashi made to resemble certain objects can be fully appreciated if you take them in with a heightened sense and use your imagination. |
I think it’ll take me some time before you can fully understand and enjoy the five senses of Japanese-style sweets. |
(松平) |
How do you think we could better get foreigners to understand this concept? Do you have any suggestions? |
I think the first thing foreigners will recognize how beautiful wagashi is. They may not quite understand the taste, but anyone can appreciate the unique colors and shapes. I think if you could appeal to these strong points, it would be best. |
The design of Japanese desserts is unsurpassed. When foreigners are taken to the wagashi sections of Japanese department store, they’re astonished by not only the item itself, but by the entire presentation, including the packaging. |
Yes! In Japan, people give sweets as gifts, so maybe that’s why there is a demand for high quality. Does Toraya sell a lot of wagashi as gifts? |
(松平) |
Yes, a large percentage is purchased as gifts. |
Ah, I knew it! Japanese are so kind and thoughtful towards other people, so they often buy sweets as gifts and take it when they visit. The tradition of wagashi as a gift does not exist so much in Western countries. |
In America, when you want to express your appreciation towards something or someone, how do you usually do it? |
「Thank you!」って大きい声で言う。(全員大笑)
We just say simply say, “Thank you!” (Laughing)
In the 480 years of Toraya’s history, how many different kinds of sweets have been made? |
(松平) |
There are currently about 3,000 different kinds. |
Amazing! |
(松平) |
We develop a few new desserts each year, so the number has grown little by little. |
Thank you for your time. I think today we’re better able to understand the concept of wagashi. |